Plantskydd Ready-To-Use 1 Litre
Plantskydd Ready-To-Use 1 Litre with sprayer
- For year round control of deer, rabbits, and elk.
- Protects 100 plants, 1 foot high.
- Application frequency: Growing season (2-4 weeks + spray new growth), Dormant season (3-6 months). Bulbs (spray or dip bulbs before planting).
- Plantskydd works on flowers, perennials, fruit and vegetable gardens (don’t spray edible parts), shrubs, trees, and bulbs.
Plantskydd’s long-term effectiveness is attributable to its tenacity in sticking to plants—even under severe snow/rainfall conditions—up to 6 months over winter, 3-4 months in spring/summer.
Plantskydd Repellents work by emitting an odour that animals associate with predator activity, repelling animals before they nibble on plants. Research has proven that odour-based repellents are more effective than other repellent systems, where the animal needs to taste treated plants before being repelled.
Once animals are attracted to an area and begin feeding, it is more difficult to discourage them from returning. Plantskydd stimulates a fear-based response, which will have deer, elk, rabbits, voles, and other small critters looking to dine somewhere other than your garden.
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